More than 6000 years ago, a big sone avalanche came down the mountainside in the inner end of Oldedalen. Big rocks landed and was left in the hillside. This stone avalanche you can see today around Melkevoll Bretun. It is in this stone area Melkevoll Bretun camping is built, and every summer season people can camp or rent cabins here.
At one of the viewpoints, around one of the biggest stones in this scree, the owner of Melkevoll Bretun - Inge Melkevoll - has built a special building called “The Blue Mountain Hall” of stone, tree and glas. From here you have views to the glaciers, huge mountains and waterfalls. The Blue Mountain Hall is built as an integrated part in harmony with nature and the surrounding areas. In this hall we have various events, concerts, gatherings and yogaretreat.